
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Netball Mania

For a beautiful Tuesday, it made feel like I was going to be hyper running up and down. Then netball time. Everyone in Room 19 were boo wing like they were lazy as a hippo. We lined up and we went like a bunch of old people with walking sticks. When we arrived Room 18 was ‘STILL’ there as if time was slow to them.

Liz was our wonderful coach that helped us how to play with drills that could help improve our skills when we play for real. We had to stood on dots that look like cow poo. We had partners so that we can train together not like being alone like a little spider.

Finished fast as time cheated us, time to play netball like a pro. We had two non even teams like herds. The game had started and Pesi was on the other team, Pesi ran fast a like a cheetah and also threw the ball as if it was a tiny rock. Every time the ball came near me I would intercept like it was to easy for me. It was finished and my team lost and what a game it was.

I enjoyed it and had some fun like a monkey would have.


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